The management program is a composite of separate actions which need implementation to resolve issues and accomplish the management goals and objectives. The 8 major issues previously identified and discussed in Part II are listed below along with management actions planned to resolve them.

Issue 1 - How Can OHV Opportunities be Expanded?


1.1Increase OHV trail mileage by at least 10 miles.
1.2Develop a tot lot supervised play area for children.
1.3onstruct a sand drag just west of the unloading ramp at the Bunker Road Staging Area.
1.4Work with Humboldt County Parks and Recreation Dept. to develop an OHV trail from the Samoa Boat Ramp to Samoa Dunes.
1.5Design and construct a 4X4 safety course.
1.6Develop an OHV rider map and brochure.
1.7Develop an ATV training site at the old baseball field.
1.8Widen the OHV trail adjacent to Endangered Plant Protection Area.
1.9Develop a four-foot wide motorcycle trail north of the bunkers. This will involve augmenting the sand with dirt.
1.10Haul in material to create larger dunes.
1.11Develop an agreement with the City of Eureka and other interested and affected parties to coordinate planning and operations related to OHV use.
1.12Continue to apply for "Green Sticker" funds, and other grant funding sources as appropriate.
1.13If appropriate and authorized by the Area Manager, permits may be issued on a case-by-case basis to organized groups for overnight camping and night riding.

Issue 2 - Public Safety


2.1Develop and implement a sign plan for the area, and coordinate with interested parties in developing a sign and beach access plan for the Samoa Peninsula.
2.2Re-route Jetty Road near the Jetty parking area. The old road will still be available for use by the Army Corps of Engineers.
2.3Develop a new map and brochure.
2.4Improve access to the waveslope at the end of Bunker Road. This may include delineating a parking area, re-routing OHV trails and signing.
2.5Provide more frequent law enforcement patrols.
2.6Encourage non-OHV users to stay away from open riding areas through signing and developing a new brochure.
2.7Designate pedestrian routes to the beach.
2.8Require flags on OHV's.
2.9Restrict OHV travel to 15 mph within 50 feet of domestic animals, people or other vehicles.
2.10Continue paving Jetty Road to lagoon area and install speed bumps.
2.11Remove vegetation adjacent to roads and signs.
2.12Maintain Jetty Road to provide access for emergency vehicles. This may include re-routing a segment in the lagoon area.

Issue 3 - Surfing


3.1Maintain existing Right-of-way with Surfrider's Foundation for washdown facility, drinking water supply and other facilities as necessary
3.2Work with Surfrider Foundation to develop restroom/changing room and other needed facilities if appropriate.
3.3Improve parking area at end of Bunker Road.

Issue 4 - User Fees


4.1Work with user groups, organizations, other government agencies and the general public to develop consensus on whether or not to charge a user fee.
4.2If a user fee is to be charged, determine type and develop an implementation plan.

Issue 5 - Resource Protection/Monitoring/Enhancement


5.1Monitor endangered plant populations and occurrence of the Western snowy plover.
5.2Develop Recovery Plan for endangered plants.
5.3Remove exotic plants. Methods include, but may not be limited to hand clearing, use of mechanical equipment and prescribed burning.
5.4Plant native trees to maintain ecosystem diversity.
5.5Transplant wallflowers from open riding area to closed areas.
5.6Develop interpretive information about endangered plants, wetlands and other sensitive habitats.
5.7Develop interpretive information about historic and prehistoric resources.
5.8Maintain existing vehicle barriers surrounding closed areas.
5.9Maintain or increase law enforcement patrols.
5.10Continue working with Humboldt State University and the scientific community regarding endangered plants and other environmentally sensitive habitats.
5.11Continue monitoring and excavation of the Humboldt Harbor Lighthouse.
5.12Restrict use in the Wetlands Area to pedestrians only.
5.13Monitor vegetation changes within the open riding area. Develop remedial actions to prevent negative impacts to sensitive habitat areas.
5.14Monitor the foredunes for the presence of the Western snowy plover. Construct protective fences in areas they are found.
5.15Conduct visitor use surveys/questionnaires.
5.16Monitor amount,type and location of visitor activities.
5.17Install, maintain or replace regulatory and information signs as needed.
5.18Establish visitor use capacities based on the zone specific management objectives.
5.19Maintain the caretaker position and improve the caretaker living quarters.

Issue 6 - Illegal Mushroom Picking


6.1Maintain closure to vegetative gathering.
6.2Increase law enforcement patrols.
6.3Monitor resource impacts and develop remedial actions if negative impacts occur.
6.4Conduct scientific studies on mushroom populations and habitat.

Issue 7 - Accommodation of Other User Groups


7.1Work with Coastal Conservancy to develop peninsula-wide map and brochure of recreation opportunities.
7.2Improve existing map and brochure of Samoa Dunes.
7.3Improve signing to direct non-OHV recreationists to specific areas.
7.4Develop hiking loop trail in the Wetlands Area.
7.5Develop interpretive material for the Wetland Area hiking trail.
7.6Replace restrooms and install new ones at appropriate locations.
7.7Develop a drinking water supply at the staging area/scenic overlook
7.8Improve parking areas and install new or additional picnic tables, trash receptacles and cooking grills at high use sites such as the end of Bunker Road, Jetty Parking Area, Cypress Tree Grove and Eucalyptus Grove near the entrance to Samoa Dunes.
7.9Develop a fishing pier near the entrance to Samoa Dunes at the Eucalyptus Grove.

Issue 8 - Management Coordination Between Agencies and User Groups


8.1Work with user groups to expand on the "Friends of Samoa Dunes" concept.
8.2Coordinate with the U.S. Coast Guard on revoking the withdrawal of that portion of Samoa Dunes no longer required for navigational purposes.
8.3Coordinate with the Army Corps of Engineers on applying for a Right-of-way for jetty maintenance.
8.4Coordinate with user groups on the "Adopt a Beach" program.
8.5Develop a Cooperative Management Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding or other agreements as necessary with the City of Eureka for coordinated management of portions of the Skypark property, if appropriate.
8.6Develop agreements with other agencies, user groups and organizations to help manage Samoa Dunes in a cost effective manner.

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